Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kids expression...

Two days back, Huda gave me a small birthday present when she came back from school. Well, it's not my birthday! Anyway, I thank her and appreciate for her thought.
Later, after maghrib...she was asking for kerepek. I was mad at her for disturbing me;so I asked her to search for it...
My 1st girsl is a very sensitive person...there must be tears (I guess). Then, I was busy doing internet banking and so on...the two girls wer busy doing something in the living area.
When they're done, Huda gave me something and requested me to read it. I told her to bring it to the bedroom so that I will look at it later. But.. she insisted me to look at it & read.
After when I'm done and turn off my computer...then only I look at it and read.
I'm so touched with her words...coz I knew it must be from the very bottom of her heart.
These are the words...
"Mama sekarang ni kakak dah menyusahkan mama. Kakak nak minta maaf pada mama kerana melawan cakap mama. Kakak ucapkan selamat hari lahir. Kakak sayang mama."

Rasa nak nangis bila baca tu. Lepas tu masuk bilik, I pun minta maaf kat dia sebab kekadang terkasar dengan dia (especially when I get stressed) dan bila tak dapat kawal perasaan.

She'd prepared a birthday card for abah too...will pass to abah later!


cik aa said...

Ala siannyer..tersentuh hati.

Nabilah said...

Kem salam kat Huda...